Diary of a Fit mommy

Breast Implant Illness: One Month Post Op Update

Well, folks! I am officially 4 weeks out of surgery. I also officially have the clear to start resuming daily activities such as picking up my kids, lifting things, and working out. The last month has been so challenging, but also eye opening to me.

I will be starting my Strong Body Guide 12 week home workouts next week! It will be interested starting slow and from the top, but I plan to share every step of the way. Come join me!

If you are new to my story, please see the following links:

My right breast is healed for the most part, but I had some issues with swelling with the left one so I may take it easy and start slow when it comes to lifting again. A lot of you have asked me about scarring and luckily my scars cannot be seen because they are under my mammary fold. However, here is how they look, still healing and all (it is not pretty.. yet)

Also, I do have some loose skin which is 100% expected after removing your implants as I also did not get a lift. When the doctor pulled my implants out, he said my skin started retracting right away.

The biggest change I have seen since removing my implants has been the inflammation completely and I mean completely disappearing. First, I noticed it from my face, but now it has gone from my entire body. Here are some other things I have noticed improvement with:

  • Fatigue
  • Bloating
  • Headaches
  • Joint pain
  • Brain fog
  • Chest pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Body odor
  • Depression
  • Neck and back pain
  • Weight gain (I have lost almost 7 pounds now)
  • Hair loss (still losing more than I would like, but it has lessened)

One month later, I feel wonderful. There are some days where I miss the look of my old breasts, but I do not miss the way they were slowly killing me. I also feel so much freer and have come to love myself as myself. The thing about it is that doctors do not tell you the true risks. Why would they? It would scare you away from getting breast implants and then they would not make a dime. Implants are still the #1 performed cosmetic surgery to this day.. however, explants are slowly making their way up to the top as well.

Thousands of women can’t be wrong. Check out Breast Implant Illness by Nicole om Facebook. There are almost 60,000 women in this group who have implants, are suffering, are explanting, or who have already explanted.

Your trainer and friend,