25 Days of FITMAS Workout Challenge: Day 12
It’s Day 12 and your second challenge begins today!
Today, I challenge you to complete 500 flutter kicks throughout the day. Flutter Kicks are amazing for toning your quads, but most importantly those ABS!
Tag me on Instagram to show me your flutter kicks and let me know if you were able to do the challenge! Also, invite a friend to join with you.
The challenge will run until Christmas Day.
Each day, you will have a new workout or challenge to complete. This guide has everything that you need to get started-just follow it day by day. To download your free workout plan, click the link to download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zzoukejnjdr706j/FITMAS.pdf?dl=0
Before beginning this program, I encourage you to upload a commitment photo to Instagram and tag me(@diaryofafitmommyofficial) so I can meet you! After completing each challenge, I would love for you to check in on Instagram and tag me (@diaryofafitmommyofficial) to let me know how you are doing! Be sure your profile isn’t private or else I won’t be able to see you!
Lastly, be sure to invite a friend, co-worker, family member, or even your spouse to join you on this challenge! It is SO easy to fall off of the wagon during the holidays, but don’t let it happen to YOU. Stay accountable by having a partner. Can’t find a partner? That is what your daily check ins on Instagram is for! I will be there for you
I hope you all enjoy this little Christmas gift from me and don’t forget your little something extra on the last page, reserved for Christmas Day!
Big hugs and I cannot wait to see how you do!
Diary of a Fit Mommy LLC.
To download your free workout plan, click the link to download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zzoukejnjdr706j/FITMAS.pdf?dl=0
- You can view day 1 here.
- You can view day 2 here.
- You can view day 3 here.
- You can view day 4 here.
- You can view day 5 here.
- You can view day 6 here.
- You can view day 7 here.
- You can view day 8 here.
- You can view day 9 here.
- You can view day 10 here.
- You can view day 11 here.
Your trainer and friend,