Pregnancy: 36 Weeks Bump Update
This week, we had a quick check up with the baby doc. He checked me and said I was at 1cm so nothing really going on but I did lose parts of my mucous plug. I had a great week with the kids as we did our annual Christmas minis and traveled to NOLA to ride The Polar Express. Other than that, it was a busy week of cleaning to prep for baby (my husband is a bit anxious) and tying up some loose ends. We dont have long to go! We will be buckling down, nesting, and getting ready the next few weeks.

How far along? 36 weeks
Baby size: Romaine Lettuce
Total weight gain: 32lbs – 160lbs total weight. Weight has remained steady the last two weeks-I have not been as hungry.
Maternity clothes? Yes! For the most part. Its hard to wear normal jackets now that its winter lol.
Stretch marks? None that I can see but I never got them before.
Sleep: I dont know if I am still adjusting to the time change from Hawaii but I am SO TIRED this week. I feel like I should be nesting but I am just way too sleepy.
Workouts: Going steady and well!
Diet: Not eating as much as I usually do nor am I craving much.
Best moment this week: Spending time with the kids and going to see the Polar Express in NOLA with them.
Miss anything? Being comfortable LOL.
Food cravings: Oranges and cereal – light stuff
Anything making you queasy or sick? No but I have been feeling a tad bit nauseated this week.
Gender: a BOY! 🙂
Labour signs: Lots of Braxton Hicks contractions and losing bits of my plug.
Symptoms: Heartburn has made a comeback. Lost a bit of my mucuous plug. Lots of discharge-TMI I know. Baby has been super active.
Belly button in or out? In! It never popped out the last 2 times.
Wedding rings on or off: On

I found out I was pregnant at just 3 weeks of pregnancy after we did our frozen embryo transfer. If you haven’t followed my IVF journey, check out my frozen embryo transfer blog and my egg retrieval blog. Long story short, my husband was infertile due to the structure of his reproductive system-his vas deferens were missing so IVF was the only way and it worked the first try!
I have not been pregnant in 8 years almost so it is wild that I am doing it all over again and hope to do it only fourth and final time in another two-three years. Wish us luck and love! I will be doing these pregnancy progression bump updates weekly so you can “grow” with me along with a bump photo + questions about my pregnancy.
Your trainer and friend,