Diary of a Fit mommy

How I Lost The Cellulite & Slimmed My Thighs

It has been 4 months since I had my breast implants removed and I cannot emphasize enough how much my body has transformed. I recently shared my progress photos on my Instagram page and I was surprised by how many questions I received asking about my cellulite and my thighs.

If you are new here, last fall my health took a turn for the worst when my symptoms hit rock bottom and my weight would not stop climbing no matter what I did. You can read more about that here.

Anywho last fall, I was vacationing in Maui and I was at my worst. I remember asking my husband to snap photos of my bottom half while on the balcony. I told myself right then and there that I would be in better shape for my next trip the following year and that I would do anything that I could to regain my health.

Fast-forward 4 months later, I am making a lot of progress-more than I ever thought I would. After removing my implants, my joints stopped swelling and most of my fatigue disappeared so I was able to start working out again in February at 4 weeks post-surgery. My body has completely transformed I have lost 12 pounds, and my most of my cellulite has decreased.

Here’s How I Did It:

  • Workouts. I workout 5 days a week: 30 minutes of cardio + 20 minutes of strength training using my Strong Body Guide. The main workout is composed of weighted + bodyweight movements in a circuit style format that keeps your body continuously moving. For my cardio, I do 15% incline at 3mph on my incline trainer. I also started doing yoga 6 weeks ago and I feel this has shaped my core more than anything. I love it and I go to three classes a week.
  • Diet. I cleaned up my diet a whole lot in order to see results. For starters, I decided to cut down on (not completely out) most high carb/high fat foods such as pasta, pizza, sweets, etc. I still enjoy what I want-in moderation, but not as often. I make meals from my Strong Body Guide meal plan and I also like to get meal prep from my local preppery which consists of cod, salmon, chicken, and steak paired with brown rice or quinoa, and loads of veggies. For dinner, we usually do Hellofresh because it is convenient for us while still allowing us to make our own food at home.
  • Cutting Out Alcohol. In January, I decided to give up alcohol for good due to personal and health reasons. I was finding myself drinking for all of the wrong reasons and I feel alcohol was causing that last bit of fast to hang onto my body. I also stopped bloating so much when cutting out the wine and beer! When I crave beer, I will drink tea, coffee, or kombucha instead.
  • Hydration. I have upped by water intake since ditching alcohol. I always aim for 8 glasses per day. I am not a huge water fan, but adding fresh cut pineapple or strawberries to my water has made me enjoy it a bit more. Also a huge fan of La Croix sparkling water drinks because they have a “soft drink: vibe to them.

And there you have it! I seriously have not done anything special to get rid of my cellulite and to drop the extra weight. It was done via hard work, consistency, and trusting the good ole process of eating right and moving your body.

Your trainer and friend,