Diary of a Fit mommy

Pregnancy: 16 Weeks Bump Update

This week, we went on vacation to Walt Disney World and took the kids on their last adventure before school starts. It was super hot but the parks did not seem crazy busy. Nevertheless, we had a great time. We did ennounce our gender this week using a Disney themed gender reveal-see the gender below!

How far along? 16 weeks

Baby size: an avocado

Total weight gain: Hopped on the scale and I def gained a little on our trip lol. But I know it will take a few days to calm down and get rid of the water weight. This week, I have gained 7lbs total. We will see what next week is!

Maternity clothes? Not usually. But I am wearing them here and there.

Stretch marks? No

Sleep: Sleep is still great.

Workouts: We walked a ton this week-definitely got my steps in.

Diet: Diet this week was whatever I wanted-helloooooo vacation. We ate some good meals at Chef Mickeys and the Beast Castle.

Best moment this week:  Spending time with my children at Disney World and telling the world what we are having. We have also enjoyed listening to our baby’s heartbeat on our home doppler machine.

Miss anything? Nothing so far!

Food cravings: Tons of fruits

Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing!

Gender:  a BOY! 🙂 We announced with a baby blue Mickey Ear balloon that we got off of Main Street.

Labour signs: No!

Symptoms: TMI but I started leaking colostrum and my breasts hurt sooo bad. I think they have doubled in size. Lots of flutters.

Belly button in or out? In! It never popped out the last 2 times.

Wedding rings on or off: On.


I found out I was pregnant at just 3 weeks of pregnancy after we did our frozen embryo transfer. If you haven’t followed my IVF journey, check out my frozen embryo transfer blog and my egg retrieval blog. Long story short, my husband was infertile due to the structure of his reproductive system-his vas deferens were missing so IVF was the only way and it worked the first try!

I have not been pregnant in 8 years almost so it is wild that I am doing it all over again and hope to do it only fourth and final time in another two-three years. Wish us luck and love! I will be doing these pregnancy progression bump updates weekly so you can “grow” with me along with a bump photo + questions about my pregnancy.

Your trainer and friend,