Diary of a Fit mommy

WE ARE PREGNANT! | IVF Success After Frozen Embryo Tranfer {FET}

I know you guys have been waiting for this announcement for weeks now, but WE ARE PREGNANT!! Phew! It feels so good to actually let the cat out of the bag. This week, I am 11 weeks pregnant and I have been documenting my weekly pregnancy journey with a bump update photo for the last few weeks now and will continue doing so. I hid the blogs until now-so you can rewind a few posts back to go read them and how things have been going 🙂

I found out I was pregnant when I was about 4 weeks along-4 days after my frozen embryo transfer. I hid it for two days before I decided to surprise my husband with my pregnancy in a very nifty way (blog coming soon on that!). This was my first time actually WAITING to announce-with my prior two children, I announced at around 5 weeks pregnant. But I guess being an IVF patient and 35 years old made me feel very cautious. I was also worried it was too good to be true. But IVF worked for us and what a blessing that has been. I was told by my IVF doctor that the chances of IVF success were greater in male factor infertility and I guess she was right. I had some bleeding called a subchorionic hematoma that was caught on my 5 week ultrasound. It did worry me a lot and perhaps thats why I waited so long to announce, but apparently its common in IVF patients and it did clear up on its own.

We will go in for a gender ultrasound next month to confirm gender, though we already know which embryo was used. We told the lab that we did not want to know, but they gave me a picture of my little embryo after transfer and had written the grade + quality of it so I knew right away as we had 3 viable embryos frozen that tested normal. Its okay though! Hardly ANY part of pregnancy is a surprise when it comes to IVF.

I graduated from the IVF clinic at around 7 weeks pregnant but had to keep taking my shots and estrogen patches until 10 weeks of pregnancy since that was when the hormones kicked in from the placenta development. After 10 weeks of Progesterone in Oil shots, my butt is sore and bumpy. But it was worth it. I saw my OB at 8 weeks pregnant and they confirmed a strong, healthy heartbeat and on point measurements.

I have started creating my new prenatal workout plan for my app and guides which I am so thrilled about. It is one of my biggest projects of the year. I have another project that fell into my lap this past week that I just signed a contract on, but I cannot announce that just yet! I am also in the process of TRYING to clear out our extra room to build a nursery. Life is just busy. Wonderful, but busier than ever. We have talked about names and have one that we favor, but I want to see its face first to make a final choice.

Overall, I am exhausted and hoping the second trimester brings me much energy. I also hope to slow down on work to try and enjoy this pregnancy as much as I can because it truly is all a blur at the end. The kids are super excited which makes ME super excited. Greyson wants a brother and of course my little girl wants a sister. We plan on trying to transger next time the gender we did not get this time around so we can balance our family.

Thank you all for the love and support! Please pray for our little nugget and stay tuned for weekly pregnancy updates here.’

All images posted are by KMD Photography. She is a local and shoots around the Emerald Coast and surrounding areas.

Your trainer and friend,