Tracking My Baby’s Precious Moments With Milestone Cards
Since my little girl arrived just over 2 months ago, she has been growing like a weed! I find it so hard to keep up with her “firsts”-moreso than when it was just my son. In order to track her growth and accomplishments in a special way to remember, I have been using Milestone Baby Cards.
It all began when Dutch mom Gemma Broekhuis who wanted to capture the first time her son Mikkel rolled over. She wrote a card, added the date, and took a picture of her son with it. She did the same when he slept through the night, crawled, ate his first solid food, etc. Realizing how precious those pictures were and how easy it is to forget those key moments, she decided to turn her idea into a product: the Milestone Baby Cards.
I was sent a couple of packs of Milestone Cards to
The Original Baby Cards: This set contains 30 brightly, fun colored cards to capture your baby’s most precious milestones. I had a blast using this set with my daughter as a creative and unique way to capture her most memorable moments.
Some cards in this set include:
- Age (“Today, I am 8 weeks old”, etc)
- Today, I rolled over for the first time.
- Today, I smiled for the first time.
- Today, I sat up for the first time.
- Today is my first birthday.
Here are a couple of cards from the Baby set that we used. I thoroughly enjoy doing this because you get to not only record their milestones, but you get to SEE them at that stage-it really takes you back to that exact date and time. So cool!
The Original Toddler Cards: Milestone Cards also makes a toddler version where you can capture your toddler’s milestones throughout years 1-4. I cannot wait to use this set with my little girl once she gets a bit older!
Some cards in this set include:
- Today was my first day of school.
- I can ride my tricycle
- I used the potty.
- I can count to ten.
- I can set the table.
There’s also pregnancy and wedding milestone cards as well! Checkout all of their cards here and see which ones can fit into your life.
Feel free to follow Milestone Cards on Facebook and Instagram as well for cute photo ideas!
Your trainer and friend,