Diary of a Fit mommy

Tips for the Two-Week Wait | IVF TWW

The dreaded TWW or Two Week Wait during IVF is something that ALL the IVF mamas know about. I remember reading about it before my IVF journey ever began. What is the infamous two week wait? It is the period of time after your IVF embryo transfer up to the time you get your official beta-hcg blood test at the IVF clinic to confirm a positive or negative pregnancy aka if the transfer itself worked. After so much pain, sweat, tears, and money spent, I get why this time is so anxious for all hopeful mamas to be.

I remember hearing the term PUPO.. or pregnant until proven otherwise in IVF groups. You are supposed to assume you are pregnant until that two week wait is over and you get your blood test done. The mind games I tell ya! I will have to say that I DID start testing early… though many women say NOT to do this. I got my first faint positive at 4 days post frozen embryo transfer. I will not tell you to not do this-what I will say is do what feels right. But yes, I can see how not testing would be better for one’s mental health. With all that being said, here are my personal tips to surviving the two week wait during your IVF journey.

Tips for the Two-Week Wait

Try NOT to test. I know, hypocritical of me right? I started testing two days after and it made me feel so sad when I did not see a positive pregnancy test result. And when I DID see a faint positive result at 4 days post transfer, it made me anxious to keep testing to see if it got darker! I ended up spending over $200 in pregnancy tests because I WANTED TO KNOW. For me, I am glad I did. Therefore, I am going to give you this advice: though I do feel it is better overall to not test early, if you feel like doing it, do it. Do what makes you feel better. But dont expect a positive result after two days… be realistic when testing. Not every IVF patient gets a faint positive pregnancy test result 4 days after transfer.. some ladies in IVF groups for them at 6 days, 8 days, etc. But by the 10-14 day mark, if there is no positive pregnancy test, it most likely did not work this time around.

Manage your stress and anxiety. You can literally prevent yourself from getting pregnant if you stress out too much. Too much cortisol can wreak havoc on your lady hormones so try not to think too much after. Put on a good comedy and laugh! Studies have shown that laughing after transger helped to boost success rates. Its okay to do a little yoga or to get a massage to release any tension you may feel. Ask your partner for a footrub and think positive.

Stay busy, but relaxed. After my transfer, I went out to dinner. A lot of people said to rest and go home to prop my feet up but after reading through many online IVF support groups, I saw a lot of women who had success after they kept moving post-transfer versus the ones who became couch potatoes. Dont get me wrong, dont go run a mile. But just keep moving forward with life as normal. The next day, I went shopping for a little bit and then rested equally. Dont overdo it, but know bedrest is not necessary. Think about it-normal pregnancies happen and women dont even know it so they keep living life per usual.

Continue your accupunture and supplements. I used accupuncture and various supplements to prep my body for months before my egg retrieval and frozen embryo transfer. You can read more on that and all the supplements I used here. Studies have shown that certain supplements and accupuncture helped boost IVF success. There is no reason to stop after transfer-in fact its good to continue as it can take a few days to implant.

Avoid alcohol, caffeine, hot baths, and sex. This is a no brainer but I have to say it anyway-whatever your IVF clinic says to avoid, avoid it. I stopped drinking coffee for two weeks as I waited. Of course, no alcohol, duh. But hot baths are a HUGE no no (I would avoid hot showers too) as well as sex during this vital period of time.

Get some sleep, eat well, and drink water. This is a good time to catch up on rest and start napping if you don’t already.Take care of yourself-you just went through a lot mentally, emotionally, and physically. So treat your body like a temple and eat well, stay hydrated, and sleep.

I hope these tips help get you through the two week IVF wait. Try not to binge on others’ positive experiences while waiting (guilty). Sending you all baby dust!

Your trainer and friend,