Diary of a Fit mommy

The Birth Story of Kaden Scott

He is finally here. My sweet Christmas Eve baby boy who is absolutely perfect in every way. When we first learned about our January 5 due date, my husband joked about us having a Christmas baby. I, for one, was super against it. I did not want him to have to share his birthday with a national holiday, afraid it would be overshadowed. But nevertheless, babies will come when they want. My doctor gave us the option to induce early as my blood pressure was high and I was suffering from polyhydraminos or excess amniotic fluid. We chose to go in on December 22 with hopes of having a December 23 baby. But he came into this world in holly jolly style, of course at 3:46am via C-section on December 24.

When I was admitted the evening of the 22nd, they set me up and did all the routine things. I was in high spirits and I just KNEW my baby would be here super soon. I kept thinking about how easy the second time around was so surely the third time would be even easier, right? Ha. My doctor did mention that the third babies were always stubborn.

They gave me Cytotec around 10pm which started some cramping. I had a cervical check which did not show a whole lot-maybe 1.5 cm. Around 5-6 am, I got an epidural to prep myself. Around 8, pitocin began. I was READY TO GO! Things went pretty slowly though as far as dilation and then the doctor broke my water around lunch time. I began laboring for the rest of the day but started feeling some uncomfortable pains despite having an epidural. I had a catheter in so I had an immense amount of pressure down in my bladder area-it felt as if my urethra was on fire. I am not kidding. It felt as if I had to pee, but the tubes were “peeing” for me. It did not make sense. And of course I had the traditional bearing down feeling like I had to go poop. I stayed like this for hours. Finally around midnight, I was about fully dilated so we were going to get to pushing. I pushed for 2 to 2 1/2 hours with no luck-my baby was still so far up high that he was not coming down where he needed to be and he was also sunny side up. It was also thought that he was just too big for my pelvis. I realized quickly what had to be done, but I decided to push just a little longer since the last thing I wanted was to be cut open.

When I realized a c-section was the only way, they prepped me and wheeled me back. The medications made me extremely sick and I kept gagging and throwing up. Then my body began to shake on the table. The surgery maybe took 30 minutes or so-I think. I will never forget feeling that internal tugging. I guess because I had a c-section with an epidural and not a spinal, I could feel the pain. The cutting did not hurt but the tugs-whoa-I will never forget those. They allowed my husband to come in after the cutting began, right before they pulled our son out. When they removed him, I will never forget my husband saying how beautiful he was and how he looked like me.I will never forget hearing his first cries. I had the drape pulled up so I could not see anything in front of me, so I must have been super tuned in with my ears.I remember I heard the faintest, sweetest little baby cry-the sweetest sound I have ever heard. I could not wait to see him. My baby was born! It felt like forever before I could see him and they placed him right at my side. The nurse brought my baby to me swaddled up and placed him by my face for a photo then wheeled him away to the nursery to clean him all up. It was not until after I got back to my room where I truly got to experience my little man. 8 pounds and 7 ounces was his weight and he was 21 and 1/4 inches long.

Recovery was tough. I cannot understand how anyone would say that a c-section is the easy way out. I mean, I wish I had never had to have one. The first 4 days were brutal but I would say around the 5th day, I started feeling more like myself. Nobody ever told me how painful the first poop is after the surgery and also how laughing and coughing hurts like hell. But he was worth every cut and every stitch.

The moment that Everly and Greyson got to meet Kaden was the sweetest and I am so thankful my husband caught it on video. I remember them walking in with my mother in law and running straight to the bed. They were in AWE and love. Greyson was taken back with such emotion while Everly jumped into little mama mode rather quickly. They had asked for a sibling for so long and I am so thrilled we got to give them one.

This birth was not the most ideal, but this is how my sweet Christmas Eve baby was born and I am ok with that. With my next pregnancy, I would love to try to VBAC but perhaps a scheduled C-section would be the way to go. I heard those are less chaotic and less painful. Nevertheless, I am just thankful. I am grateful that our IVF journey was a successful one and I am so proud of our little embryo that could.

Your trainer and friend,