Diary of a Fit mommy

Pregnancy: 12 Weeks Bump Update

I am almost done with the first trimester! I believe this is the last week of it as the second trimester typically begins around week 13 right? I feel like I should KNOW this by now lol. Anywho this has been an amazing week. I had my kids this week and we stayed busy but spent a lot of time together. I started feeling more flutters this week which was reassuring-its definitely been kicking a lot. The best moment this week was going to my ultrasound and seeing the baby breakdance in my belly. It was SO BIG…. we saw all fingers and toes too. Andddddddddd…. as early as it was….. the ultrasound tech was so good that she confirmed the gender to us and the kids! We did not expect that to happen as we had an official gender reveal ultrasound for the kids next month, but nevertheless we were thrilled. My energy is slowly coming back and I am starting to plan some babymoon trips for the rest of the year.

How far along? 12 weeks

Baby size: a lime

Total weight gain: 2lbs… and here it goes lol

Maternity clothes? Not usually. But I am wearing them here and there.

Stretch marks? No but I did notice my linea alba showing up this week when I was tubing down the river.

Sleep: Slept like a baby all week!

Workouts: Back to normal, lifting heavier and going on daily walks.

Diet: Eating what I want in moderation. Definitely not skipping meals lol.

Best moment this week:  Going tubing with my kiddos down the blackwater river which was a first! Feeling more flutters in my lower tummy and seeing our baby once more on ultrasound at this week’s doctor’s appointment. My kids got to come along again to see the baby which I am so thankful for! I also planned a babymoon trip getaway to Turks and Caicos-where we had our honeymoon. It is such a special place although I probably cannot do a whole lot this time aroun but relax…..

Miss anything? My energy for sure. BUT I have noticed its starting to get a little better…

Food cravings: Nectarines-lots of fruit. Banana bread with cream cheese on it. Noodles. Pizza. Korean food.

Anything making you queasy or sick? My body still hates being hungry-I have to snack often or I will feel sick.

Gender: We all found out at the 12 week ultrasound 🙂 Will reveal soon.

Labour signs: No!

Symptoms: Some atigue. Still gassy lol. Feeling flutters in my lower tummy.

Belly button in or out? In! It never popped out the last 2 times.

Wedding rings on or off: On.


I found out I was pregnant at just 3 weeks of pregnancy after we did our frozen embryo transfer. If you haven’t followed my IVF journey, check out my frozen embryo transfer blog and my egg retrieval blog. Long story short, my husband was infertile due to the structure of his reproductive system-his vas deferens were missing so IVF was the only way and it worked the first try!

I have not been pregnant in 8 years almost so it is wild that I am doing it all over again and hope to do it only fourth and final time in another two-three years. Wish us luck and love! I will be doing these pregnancy progression bump updates weekly so you can “grow” with me along with a bump photo + questions about my pregnancy.

Your trainer and friend,