Diary of a Fit mommy

How I Surprised My Husband with My Pregnancy

I found out that I was pregnant four days after our frozen embryo transfer. I waited TWO WHOLE DAYS to tell my husband which was pretty tough to do. But the line was faint therefore, I honestly just did not believe it. Before we ever got pregnant, I did envision how I would tell him and I wanted it to be super special. After his struggling with infertility for years, I wanted to go all out for him. Living by the beach, I had the perfect idea.

I decided I would use one of the messenger planes that you see promoting restuarants and shops that fly across the shoreline. I reached out to a few places and settled on Boomer Aviation who gladly was on board-even at the last minute. I explained to them that i could not give the typical 72 hours in advance given my situation and they understood. I contacted my friend and photographer Brianna Merritt and she was on board last minute too. It all just came together all too well! Check out her photography site here: https://www.briannamerrittphotography.com/

I started off telling my husband that I wanted a date night photoshoot on the beach using a hot pink large blow up heart shaped kiddie pool. I found one on Amazon for around $100 and added to cart! When we got to the beach, he was not thrilled about having to blow it up which made things pretty hysterical.

When our photographer arrived, we waited and waited. I was on standby as I knew exactly when the plane would be coming. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw it! As it neared, I mentioned that we needed to get in the pool, so we did. He thought the whole idea of the photoshoot was silly but little did he know. We started kissing and I looked up during the kiss to see where the plane was. It was almost to us!

I told him to pose but he was not sure how to, sitting in an inflatable heart shaped pool on the beach. So he decided to be silly and look up at the plane, point at it, and read it for the pictures. He started reading it out loud and his face dropped from sarcasm to OH MY GOSH. He actually said some expletives. He did not realize it would say his name…. and that it would reveal our pregnancy!

He asked me if it were serious and I said yes! The tears flowed and we enjoyed a little moment. I asked Brianna to get the box I made for him which included a newborn teal onesie, my pee stick. and a knit baby chick. It was the most perfect moment and I am so happy I got it all on film. Be sure to watch the video below for his reaction.

Your trainer and friend,