Diary of a Fit mommy

Why Kellogg’s Origins Ancient Grains is the Perfect Pregnancy (and Toddler) Snack

This post is sponsored by Vocalpoint and Kelloggs Origins™ . All opinions are my own. I love breakfast. Cereal and granola have been my go-to breakfast and snacks for the first trimester of my current pregnancy because it helps sooth...

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Why I Loved My Epidural & Why I’ll Do It Again

Is it just me or does it seem like there is an ongoing mommy war out there over drug free vs "drugged" birth. When I was pregnant with my son, I was such a newbie to the world of pregnancy,...

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PREGNANCY: 10 Week Bump Update

Hi guys! I just got back in from my vacation to Hawaii last night. I am a bit late on my bump update so I figured I would go ahead and get it done :) Forgive me for my sleepy...

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