Diary of a Fit mommy

5 Dating Rules I Learned as a Single Mom

I never thought that I would be a single mom. Never once in my life. But, as they say, shit happens and oh boy it does. Since becoming single two years ago, I jumped back into the dating world. Some...

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Narcissists and How They Control You

First off, I just want to say thank you for the tremendous support from my recent blogs revolving around narcissism. When I wrote my first narc related post, I was fresh off of being discarded. I was hurt, sad, &...

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I Used Period Panties & Here’s What Happened

We all have all seen the ads for period panties in our newsfeeds, but how many of you ladies have actually tried them? I remember being sooo curious about them and thinking, "wow an underwear that holds blood? Creepy." I...

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