Diary of a Fit mommy

Try This Simple Test to Spot a Narcissist

Over two years ago, I entered a relationship with a narcissist that lasted exactly one year. You can read about it here. Fresh out of a marriage, I was NARCISSIST BAIT. What is narcissist bait, you may wonder? Someone who...

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Hack Your Metabolism With Lumen

Have you ever wanted to track your metabolism on the go? Well, now you can! I was sent this amazing little device called Lumen which measures your metabolism in real time with a single breath and in under a minute...

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How I Met THE ONE on a Dating App + What Dating Apps I Loved (and Hated!)

Okay, okay. You may not find "the actual one" on a dating app. You might bump into them in the noodle aisle at the grocery store. Perhaps, you will make eye contact at a local coffee shop. WHO KNOWS how...

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