Diary of a Fit mommy

Pregnancy: 25 Weeks Bump Update

I feel like baby grew a ton this week. I can feel where his feet are and recognize his patterns of kicks and movements plus his sleep. My stomach feels HUGE now. I do not remember feeling so big at 25 weeks but then again it has flown by so fast this time around. We spent a few days in Turks and Caicos for our babymoon which made this week pretty awesome. My back is hurting more now than ever.. time to see a chiropractor again!

How far along? 25 weeks

Baby size: Rutabaga

Total weight gain: 19lbs – 147lbs after vacation.. we will see if some of that is water weight next week LOL

Maternity clothes? Mostly! Things are not fitting very well anymore

Stretch marks? No

Sleep: Sleep was pretty good this week but I have noticed its getting harder to turn in bed.

Workouts: Did not happen this week-vacation!

Diet: I ate a ton of good island food while in Turks and Caicos this week.

Best moment this week:  Going back to Turks and Caicos on our babymoon. We went here for our honeymoon and fell in love. Last time we rode jet skis and horses, but this time around it was much more calm of a vacay. We did snorkel with black tip reef sharks and clear canoed through mangroves which was neat. We explored our favorite beaches and relaxed pretty much. Even got a spa massage before we left!

Miss anything? Not feeling huge lol… I feel like my stomach got even bigger while on vacation.

Food cravings: BABY FOOD! This sound weird but I am loving some jars of baby food-fruits only.

Anything making you queasy or sick? No.

Gender:  a BOY! 🙂

Labour signs: No!

Symptoms: Heartburn is so bad I had to start taking TUMS. I feel like I am throwing up in my mouth. I do not remember it being this bad! Back pain is terrible. Having weird ab muscle spasms as well probably due to my anterior placenta.

Belly button in or out? In! It never popped out the last 2 times.

Wedding rings on or off: On.


I found out I was pregnant at just 3 weeks of pregnancy after we did our frozen embryo transfer. If you haven’t followed my IVF journey, check out my frozen embryo transfer blog and my egg retrieval blog. Long story short, my husband was infertile due to the structure of his reproductive system-his vas deferens were missing so IVF was the only way and it worked the first try!

I have not been pregnant in 8 years almost so it is wild that I am doing it all over again and hope to do it only fourth and final time in another two-three years. Wish us luck and love! I will be doing these pregnancy progression bump updates weekly so you can “grow” with me along with a bump photo + questions about my pregnancy.

Your trainer and friend,