Diary of a Fit mommy

Pregnancy: 14 Weeks Bump Update

This week, we took the kids on vacation to Kentucky for the first time where they got to see my husband’s hometown and meet more of his family members. They said they really enjoyed it! Baby seems to be doing really well though I do not feel it move too often. I had an ultrasound last Friday and the doctor said that I have an anterior placenta which could be why I am not feeling the baby move as much as I did a couple of weeks ago. Otherwsie heartbeat was fine and baby was quite sleepy! I am thankful our doctor allowed us to come in when the clinic was closed as we were a bit nervous about feeling lack of movemnt. Overall, it was a busy but exciting week. Round ligament pain began and I felt like my belly popped a bit more. I bought a doppler for the first time ever that should arrive in a few days-cant wait to use it for peace of mind.

How far along? 14 weeks

Baby size: a lemon

Total weight gain: 3.5lbs

Maternity clothes? Not usually. But I am wearing them here and there.

Stretch marks? No

Sleep: Slept like a baby all week minus getting up super early to travel.

Workouts: Did not do much this week as we were on vacation but walking over 10k steps at a theme park helps.

Diet: Eating what I want in moderation. Definitely not skipping meals lol. But this week was vacation so I ate a TON of foods that I dont normally get to.

Best moment this week:  We took the kids to Scotty’s hometown in Kentucky this week and they really enjoyed it.They got to meet his dad and other extended family members and friends. We took them to a theme park in Louiseville called Kentucky Kingdom that they are already asking to go back to. They got to experience a lay down movie theater for the first time. It was such a nice trip and getaway for them meeting more people to love and who loves them.

Miss anything? Feeling full LOL. I am so hungry! However it is geting better…

Food cravings: This week I discovered Cherry Plums at Publix and I AM HOOKED. I also got hooked on blueberry oatmeal this last week while I was traveling so I got some ingredients to start making it at home.

Anything making you queasy or sick? My body still hates being hungry-I have to snack often or I will feel sick.

Gender:  Will reveal soon. Going to shoot one of the announcements this week and the other, next week. Might reveal end of July.

Labour signs: No!

Symptoms: Some fatigue. Still gassy lol. Feeling flutters in my lower tummy.

Belly button in or out? In! It never popped out the last 2 times.

Wedding rings on or off: On.


I found out I was pregnant at just 3 weeks of pregnancy after we did our frozen embryo transfer. If you haven’t followed my IVF journey, check out my frozen embryo transfer blog and my egg retrieval blog. Long story short, my husband was infertile due to the structure of his reproductive system-his vas deferens were missing so IVF was the only way and it worked the first try!

I have not been pregnant in 8 years almost so it is wild that I am doing it all over again and hope to do it only fourth and final time in another two-three years. Wish us luck and love! I will be doing these pregnancy progression bump updates weekly so you can “grow” with me along with a bump photo + questions about my pregnancy.

Your trainer and friend,