Diary of a Fit mommy

How I KNEW I Was Pregnant | Symptoms After Frozen Embryo Transfer (IVF FET)

After my IVF frozen embryo transfer or FET, I did not know what to expect. After all, I had never gone the IVF route before so part of me feared that it would not even take.. but it did! I know it sounds wild, but I feel as if I immediately began experiencing changes, although subtle. This would somewhat make sense as when you do an embryo transfer, its pretty much the moment you get pregnant whereas during natural conception, it can take days for the sperm and egg to meet and travel to implant. Implantation is when symptoms do begin.

I am going to share with you my symptoms after my frozen embryo transfer or FET and I want you to keep in mind that every single woman, body, and pregnancy is so different so try not to compare your journey with mine. This is what I noticed and logged in my phone notes for ten days post transfer until I had my official beta hcg blood test at the clinic which was my official postiive,

Symptoms After Frozen Embryo Transfer Timeline

Day of transfer: Slight cramping on both sides

Day one after transfer: Light cramping with fatigue and a bad headache. I remember my bacon tasting weird and I was super hungry.

Day two after transfer: Light cramping continued but I also had diarrhea today. I was super tired and peed a lot and noticed I was hungrier than usual at night time.

Day three after transfer: vivid dreams began and my sense of smell was stronger

Day four after tranfer: faint positive pregnancy test using First Response Early test. Very mild cramps and a tightness in my belly. I remember feeling so sleepy while driving this day. Dry skin. Shortness of breath. Dizziness and flutters in my belly.

Day five after transfer: Lots of cramping today, brain fog, vivid dreams, and some insomnia the night before. Super tired during the day.

Day six after transfer: First positive digital pregnancy test using First Response. Acne on shoulders. Sniffles as if a small cold was starting and more weird, vivid dreams.

Day seven after transfer: Cramping continued and I noticed light red spotting. Breasts hurt and lower back aches.

Day eight after transfer: Cramping with spotting, vivid dreams, lots of fatigue

Day nine after transfer: Cramping with spotting, vivid dreams, lots of fatigue

Day ten after transfer: Beta HCG test confirms pregnancy at IVF clinic. It’s official!

I hope this blog helps you in some way if you are going through your own IVF journey or thinking about it. I do know that different women will implant at different rates so try not to stress! Not every woman will get a positive home pregnancy test at 4 days post transfer-it can take some women a week or so!

Your trainer and friend,