Diary of a Fit mommy

15 Safe Diastasis Recti Postpartum Ab Exercises That Work!

If you are here, chances are you either have or think you may have Diastasis Recti. I’ve written countless blogs and created many workouts for Diastasis Recti, but this time I simply wanted to give you a quick list of Diastasis Recti safe exercises that you can do on a whim!

Please note that this is just a list of exercises to complete at your own discretion which means you can decide how many reps and sets or even what moves to do. This is not a workout plan. but if you ARE seeking a Diastasis Recti workout plan, be sure to checkout my 12 Week Diastasis Recti Guide.

What is Diastasis Recti and Why Does It Happen?

Moves to Avoid:

  • Anything that “pushes” your tummy out
  • Any form of crunches
  • Heavy lifting of any sort
  • Push ups
  • Front planks of any sort
  • Quadrupled positions (this is a gray area-some are acceptable to do, just monitor)
  • Anything unsupported on your hands and knees
  • Abdominal exercises that flex the upper spine: crunches, curls, V-ups, bicycles, etc.
  • Excessive twisting movements—especially with arms reaching
  • Yoga poses or other moves that stretch the front of the abs like cow pose, upward facingdog, backbends, etc.

15 Diastasis Recti Safe Exercises

  1. Wall Sit
  2. Heel Slide
  3. Supine Pillow Squeeze
  4. Posterior Pelvic Tilt
  5. Bent Knee Deadbug
  6. Bird Dog Hold
  7. Glute Bridge
  8. Elevated Bent Knee V-Tap
  9. Heel Touches
  10. Lying Bent Knee Pull
  11. Clamshells
  12. Side Lying Hip Adduction
  13. Single Straight Leg Lift
  14. Lying Knee Drop
  15. Modified Side Plank

Watch the video below for a how-to for each exercises.

If you enjoyed these exercises, be sure to take a look at my 12 Week Diastasis Recti Guide. All exercises are done from home and teh plan is broken up into 3 phases. It only takes 12 minutes per day! Also comes with a free online support group + step by step images of every move-yours to keep for forever. Here is a client below after just 12 weeks on my guide: this has been one of the best progress pictures to date!



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Your trainer and friend,