Diary of a Fit mommy

My Personal Breast Augmentation Story: UPDATE

Hi ladies!

A lot of you have requested that I write an update on my breast augmentation, as it’s been almost 5 years since I have had them and you have tons of questions pertaining to getting back into working out after surgery, how pregnancy has affected them, and, of course, BREASTFEEDING!


If you have not read my original story, you can view it here.

October will mark 5 years since my only breast augmentation and if you read my original story, you know that I went from a large A cup to a small DD cup. They have changed a TON over the years, but I am still 110% happy with them and the decision that I made. I had chosen to get implants after my 45lb weightloss left me with floppy, saggy barely-there boobs and I wanted some feminine curves back to my body.




Healing from the procedure was a PAIN! I will not lie. I remember experiencing ongoing pain for at least one month and then all of a sudden, I woke up one day and the pain was gone.

I had a misconception that my boobs would come out looking perfect after surgery and that was FAR from the case. KNOW THIS: Your implants take TIME to look how they’re supposed to and will look very strange after surgery. It is just part of it. They will look squished, squashed, bruised, misshapen, and downright weird… until the swelling goes down and they “drop” into place. Not only that, you will have a gap for a while-yes, it takes time for the “cleavage” to appear.. Here’s a photo from a week or so after surgery as you can see they are SUPER oval:

Finally, about six months or so post-operation, they started looking better:

Breast implants and working out: I did not resume working out until around 12 weeks post operation. I did have the surgery on a Friday and was able to return to working a a nurse by Monday morning so I was able to walk of course. I even did some jogging here and there. But as for lifting weights or doing chest exercises (push ups, overhead lifts, etc), it took quite some time for my chest to feel normal.

I can now do any type of chest exercise without any type of pain, discomfort, or weird feelings. Some women are able to resume working out immediately after their incisions heal. Some aren’t. I won’t advise you on what to do because I am not your doctor, but you should just take it easy, wait until you are healed, and then start slow.

There were two things my doctor did tell me when it came down to recovery and resuming training:

  1. He reminded me I was recovering from surgery, which is a major trauma to the body, and asked me to take more rest than normal for a while.
  2. He asked me not to do any upper-body exercises for two weeks.

That was it. Other than that he told me – if it feels funny, don’t do it; if it feels okay, don’t worry about it.

Ok.. so now onto breastfeeding and implants. When it came to getting implants, I was never worried about how they would affect my ability to breastfeed. I specifically spoke with my surgeon on this and he told me that if I went under the muscle and through the armpit, I would be good to go! And I was!

Although I am entering the third trimester with baby #2, I am STILL breastfeeding my 2 year old toddler to this day. Has this taken a toll on my implants? Maybe a little. If anything, my boobs look more natural than ever before. They are not as round, but softer which I love. They are still perky (not as perky of course) and look great. I would say pregnancy and breastfeeding has helped them out. However, when it comes time to get them redone, I will wait until I am finished with having kids though.

Here’s a good look at how my implants during my first pregnancy, immediately after giving birth (HELLO, MILK!), and around 15 months postpartum. Yes, one boob is slightly bigger than the other. Don’t hate.

Now here’s a look at being pregnant with baby #2 at around 7 weeks or so:

Verdict? They look fine. I wouldn’t sweat it if I were you. Babies don’t ruin implants (IMO).

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask! I am an open book. 🙂

Your trainer and friend,