Diary of a Fit mommy

FREE 30 Day January Workout Challenge + Calendar

Merry Christmas and Happy New REAR!

Who’s up for a free and fun workout challenge for the month of January? Below, you will find your free printable calendar highlighted with three colored boxes specifying what you will do each day. Weekends will always be your rest days so you will workout 5 days a week. Cardio will be done every single day and you will alternate a specific body weight workout routine with any home workout video from my YouTube channel (but I will list a few for you to check out).

If you want a more in depth workout, check out my Strong Body Guide. I currently have over a thousand ladies on the program and it comes with a PRIVATE support group where you can post your progress, motivate yourself, and have your questions answered!

For cardio, you can use this specific HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) Routine or you may choose to do LISS (Low Interval Steady State)-or you can alternate each day. I personally love to alternate my styles of cardio! Complete one of the following routines daily.

HIIT ROUTINE (rest as needed)

  • 10 minutes jumping jacks
  • 10 minutes jumping rope
  • 10 minutes burpees
  • 10 minutes high knees

LISS ROUTINES (straight through)

  • 30 minutes of jogging
  • 30 minutes of bicycling
  • 30 minutes of rowing
  • 30 minutes of dancing
  • 30 minutes of yoga

On a few days out of the week, you will do this specifc bodyweight routine. Feel free to modify as needed!


  • 10 Push Ups
  • 10 Burpees
  • 10 Lunges (each leg)
  • 10 Tricep Dips
  • 10 Squat Jumps
  • 10 Bicycle Crunches
  • 10 Glute Bridges

Next, on a few days out of the week, you will turn to my YouTube channel to complete any workout of your choice! I will list a few fun ones though. You will notice many videos were made during my second pregnancy, but ANYONE can do them-not just the pregnant ladies.


For those who are playing in my newest DietBet game, you will have an advantage to win by using this free workout calendar! In our last game we had 899 winners/10,146 lbs lost!!!!! Next game starts January 16th!

We are more successful in reaching our goals when we have the support of each other! This is a super fun way to lose weight & make $$$! It is simple to join and will be a lot of fun!

Here is how…
– Join the game
– Get a Custom 30 day workout calendar from me – GOAL to lose 4% body fat
– Anyone who loses 4% or more, WINS $$$ (All winners split the pot)
– 96% of people who play Diet Bet games, lose weight!

Starts January 16th, click below to sign up, invite a friend, and hold yourself accountable! 🙂

Your trainer and friend,